Green Party of Pima County: PC info
PC info

PO BOX 6014 • Tucson, Arizona 85703-2014 • (520) 798-6169 •

Information for PCs (Precinct Committeemen)

(Why become a Precinct Captain)
How to become an appointed Precinct Captain and/or Block Captain:
 Contact the GPPC Chairperson at or (520)798-6169
(How to become an elected Precinct Captain)



GPPC Voter List Request Form (click here)


GPPC-PC (Precinct Captain) Tool Kit Contents:

1.) The Bylaws of the Green Party of Pima County (GPPC)
2.) Ten Key Values of the Green Party
3.) Formal Consensus Decision Making Process
4.) GPPC/PC (Precinct Captain) Handbook
5.) NationBuilder
6.) Make familiar the resources of ALL Green Party websites
7.) GPPC Meeting Conduct

1.) The Bylaws of the Green Party of Pima County: are the governing rules and procedures that guide how the GPPC is organized and operated per the Arizona Revised Statutes.
Familiarity is imperative!

2.) Four Pillars and the Ten Key Values of the Green Party:
Hopefully we all become so familiar with these principles that no matter who with or what the conversation, one or more of these values becomes part of our supportive argument. Also know that the "four pillars" are the first four Key Values.

The Green Party Ten Key Values:

3.) Formal Consensus Decision Making Process:

GPPC Bylaw: Section 1, paragraph C, third sentence;
"The GPPC shall seek consensus in its own decision making processes (as outlined in these bylaws) and respect the input and concerns of all Greens in Pima County.

Per the above bylaw and the "Big Meeting" held Jan. 6, 2007
"Formal Consensus Decision Making" to be adopted by the GPPC in its decision making process.

On Conflict and Consensus - A Handbook on Formal Consensus Decision Making:

4.) GPPC-PC Precinct Captain) Handbook:

PC and Activist Handbook & Resource Guide:
Feel free to use other suggestions in this Handbook & Resource Guide in organizing & invigorating the development of your local precinct.
Have fun with it, ;o]

5.) NationBuilder:


6.) Make familiar the resources of ALL Green Party websites:

Green Party of the United States (GPUS): (GP Platform)

Arizona Green Party (AZGP):

Green Party of Pima County (GPPC):

and other state & county GP websites throughout the U.S:

7.) GPPC Meeting Conduct,%202014.pdf

The above GPPC-PC (Precinct Captain) Tool Kit is provided by GPPC Greens interested in Precinct Development.
Rev. July 10, 2016

GPPC County Committee

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